Title: E. Coli O157 Control of Cross-Contamination Guidance Published
Date: 18th December 2014
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published a revised version of the E. coli O157 Control of Cross-contamination Guidance today following consideration of the comments received through the review period ended 29th August 2014. This new version (see link below) can be downloaded and should be used by local authorities and subsequent versions are now obsolete. In addition to this report, we also provide key information and guidance in regards to commercial dishwasher temperatures.
E. Coli Cross-Contamination Guidance
Commercial Dishwasher Temperatures Letter
Title: Food Standards Agency to Commission Dishwasher Requirements of the E. Coli O157 Cross Contamination Guidance
Date: 4th July 2013
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has commissioned some work to examine the operation of dishwashers in relation to the requirements of the E.coli O157 control of cross-contamination guidance.