

For our hospital clients our approach is to aim for a total wash solution that will fit seamlessly into the kitchen and add real value to the operation. Our substantial array of conventional and specialist ware-washers from world renowned manufacturers provide us with the ability to find solutions for every hospital washing application.

Our main considerations when considering the brief are

  1. Finding a warewasher that completes service in the time required
  2. Impeccable hygiene standards (Adherence to DIN standards)
  3. Cost effective, repeatable and efficient work processes that can fit into a well run kitchen
  4. Ergonomically designed work processes
  5. Ease of use and maintenance
  6. Cost effective energy, water and chemical consumption
  7. Durability and longevity of the dishwasher
  8. Achievement of uninterrupted service 
  9. Quick response in the event of service interruption 
  10. Provision of meaningful warranties


As you would expect from a specialist in ware washing with 20 years of experience and worldwide sourcing we have the answers for your site. So, why not test us out and arrange a site visit from one of our experts.

Call us today 0115 938 1939

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